Michael Drichile meeting students of Ebenezer Baptist Christian Academmy for the first time at First Baptist Church Building Kajo-Keji South Sudan.
Effectively communicating the Word of God beyond boarders (Michael Drichile).
Michael Drichile and Missionary Jacob Lee of Reaching Africa's Unreached in South Sudan. This was such a wonderful Leadership Conference we had in South Sudan in 2010.
David Jeremiah Drichile.
Lets sing this Hymn togather,
Thank you.
Michael Drichile arriving to teach high school students at St.Mary Assumpta Girls Secondary School. www.Smagirls.org
To Thee we ascribe Glory song and Hymn by Kirk Dearman 1984.
Missionary Michael Drichile
Robbine and Michael in Moyo Northern Uganda.
Teaching the faithful to be able to teach others
Sunday School Children is a key priority in all Churches to be trained in right manner and discipline and this is one of Gospel Radio's main goal in the purpose of Global Evangelization.
Gospel Radio East Africa encourage kids to know Jesus more and get rooted into the things of God as they grow.
Jesus Said,
"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children" Matthew 19:14.
African tolilet (in Moyo-Northern Uganda)
Raising Pigs in Northen Uganda for capital and finances.
Common bathroom in Northern Uganda used by majority of the households.
This is the best toilet in East Africa used by 97% of the population living in the rural areas.
Trainning women to be actively involved in the Ministry.
Come over and help us as we evangelize East Africa. Ask about our outreach schedule and get involved.
Reaching East Africa with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is Adjumani round about. The White cook is the Emblem of the Madi Community and its anthem sung recnetly by Mr. Luzira Gabirel (AU-Logo-AU-Logo)!!!
Michael Drichile at Uganda/South Sudan Boarder crossing to Kajo-Keji Sudan for Ministry.
Setting a strategic plan for GR-East Africa. Lets keep flying as we plan how we can re-develop our land and vicinity to suit the Ministry need for The Great Commission Matt 28:19-20.
The land behind needs much more development our plans ares:-
(a) Studio
(b) Christian School
(c) Guest House for Missionaries
(d) Trainning Centre for Pastors and Church Leaders
Reaching East Africa by Radio
Especially towns of Northern Uganda and neigbouring South Sudan.
Best friends and fellow Missionaries (Coppedge, James, Joshua, Scott and Simon) for a cool reception at Michael Drichile's home on Metu Mountains.
Michael's Family
Stephen Waterhouse and David Jeremiah
Preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through Open Air preaching.
Praise God!!
Live Gospel Band
Choir of Ayaa Baptist Church on Metu Mountains preparing local instruments for praises and Worship.
Sharing God's Word with belivers.
Giving belivers the Spiritual Bread
Helping the sick in our vicinities by carrying them to Health Facilities.
Michael Drichile at Ayaa Baptist Church-Metu Mountains-Northern Uganda.
Praying for the people of our vicinity, country and for the whole World for the work of the Gospel.
Sunday School choir of Ayaa Baptist Church
Worshippers gathering. Seminar and Leadership Conference.
Worshippers gathering 2.
Missions in East Africa
Picture with church leaders and sunday school children.
Gathering of Church leaders.
Pastor Michael Drichile-Gospel Radio East Africa
Edea Norah Drichile
Wife of Pastor Michael Drichile
Stephen Waterhouse
son of Pastor Michael Drichile
A man and his beloved wife enjoying happy marriage.
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